Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ruffled Petticoat

Here is my new ruffled petticoat. Yay! I used the directions from Rocking Horse Farm for a ruffled petticoat that is included in the Polonaise, Levite & Round Gowns pattern. I simply added four extra tiers and opted for a back closure instead of side closures.

 This took me about two weeks to put together. It's not that it was particularly difficult, it was just really boring. Not to mention sitting cross legged on the floor for hours spreading out the gathers really hurts. I like to listen to a book on cd while sewing and that's what saved me during this project. Thank you Charlotte Bronte for Jane Eyre   :)
 As I was sewing all of this material it got to be so heavy it felt like a comforter sitting on my lap. I haven't put it on yet so I can only imagine how heavy it will feel.
Under the ruffled petti is my corded petti and my bum pad. I added another over the top to see how full it is.
 For the life of me I can't seem to find a picture of an original or a fashion plate showing one of these. So I can't attest to the historical accuracy of it being used under a dress from 1845.

 I'm super happy with how it came out and with any luck it should work over a hoop skirt too. Hopefully I'm at the end of my undergarment saga and can move on to the actual dress.


Time Traveling in Costume said...

I love your ruffled petticoat. What material did you make it from? I was using a cotton organdy but its not the stiff kind and its rather limp, although it doesn't weigh very much.

Kate said...

Unfortunately I ended up making this on the cheap and used muslin. *cringe* But it seems to have worked out alright and I haven't yet starched it. . ;)

Time Traveling in Costume said...

Hey, if it works.... And no one should be THAT close to you to be able to see what your pettis are made of. ;)