Saturday, September 20, 2014

18th Century Event: Finally?

I'm having the hardest time deciding on my next project. It will be for an 18th century event, a picnic specifically. The event itself isnt that big of a concern and so won't determine what I make but there are just so many ideas in my head. I'm really working hard to clear out my stash and not spend any more than necessary.

First would be a round gown that I found on Pinterest.

I'm not able to get to the original source on this image so I can't say 100% but I'd be willing to bet it's a round gown, just a later style. I have some jewel tone blue taffeta and I'd use the round gown pattern and levite sleeves from my Rocking Horse Farm pattern. For the sash i could buy what I need for very little.

My next choice would be to use my J.P. Ryan Jacket pattern.
View C is what I'd use, I have a plain brown linen jacket made already and like it's fit. I've got a white batiste petti mostly finished,it just needs hemming and of course I'd also like to make use of my waverly curtains. The length on these after the stitching is removed is something like two and a half yards if I remember correctly. I won't have enough to make a matching petti.

I've also gotten out my unfinished half boned stays and sewed them together. I had previously sewn all the boning channels so most of the hard work was done. However I've lost enough weight that will need to take out the front insert to get any compression. Once again I do have a finished pair but they are fully boned and not very comfortable. They just aren't sewn well. But they will work if I just don't have the time. Which I never do.

I did seriously consider wearing a costume that I made several years ago.

It's just a wee bit tight and would require that I continue to lose more weight in the next month and a half. If it comes down to it I'll be covered.

Items to complete:

  • Dress/Jacket
  • Buy fabric?
  • Hem Petticoat
  • Fichu
  • Dress Hat
  • Dress Day Cap?
  • Shoe Closure

Monday, September 8, 2014

September: Pediatric Cancer Awarness

I wanted to share this here to spread the word, even if it is only to a limited audience, about Phoebe Fair and Photographers for Phoebe. There aren't many people who haven't heard of the ice bucket challenge for ALS but maybe not so many people have heard of AT/RT. Please visit the Facebook page. If you happen to live in east Texas get a mini session to help fund research for AT/RT. At the very least lets all Go Gold to show our support.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Huntington Beach Civil War Days 2014

This event was super fun! My dress wore really well and was warm but not sweltering. Looking at it in this picture I feel I could maybe have gone without the ruffled petti.  
Sadly the only picture of my dress.

My little E and Mauma hanging out.
 The battle was very interesting and the cannon were amazing. The noise and smoke really made it feel real.

These guys sure had it rough. One of the camp followers asked a soldier how he was doing and he responded, "How do you think I'm doing? I feel like I'm wearing a blanket!"

One of the people watching the battle asked if I had a beau fighting. Silly. I'm hoping to make Jeff a uniform but he wants to be a rebel and I don't know if I'm ok with that. Maybe we will just be civilians for now.

I bought myself a watch as a souvenir. The woman who sold me this was really nice. I'm sad I didn't catch her name but if I happen to see her booth again I'll sure stop in.